Wednesday 15 December 2010

.39 The War We Dont See.

Wheelchair user and cerebral palsy sufferer Jody McIntryre was dragged from his wheelchair across the road by two policemen. Apparently this was the second time it had happen that day and the policemen recognised him.
Does it not seem a little Déjà vu, remember Ian Tomlinson. The video below is of the attack and below that is the BBC's propaganda machine.  

If you wish to complain about the conduct of the presenter the BBC complaints form is here This was shown on the 8 o'clock news on BBC News channel on the 13th December.

This is Jody McIntyre's Blog 

And follow him on facebook

Friday 26 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

.33 Casteller!

In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage. 

.32 £5,169 Per Second.

That's right folks £5,169 per second or

  • £310,212 per minute
  • £18,607,306 per hour
  • £446,575,342 per day 
  • or £77,000 for each and everyone of us.
That's how much the debt is rising in the UK, its Britain's trillion pound problem. Here's a clock for you to depressingly watch, and remember its a debt so large that its going to imprison you grandchildren.

Wake up to problems that we have to face in the next ten years (and longer!) by learning and educating yourself and others, because knowledge is power and together we can move mountains:
Theres also a great documentry on channel 4 OD called clearly, Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story that can be found here and a fella called Michael Milken talks about activism on TED here.

Thursday 11 November 2010

.31 Mad Men.

New game from the mightily RockStar and Team Bondi. This ones called L.A. Noire and is set in "a perfectly re-created Los Angeles" in the 1940's. Expect to see crime, sex and moral ambiguity all shot in black and white with harsh, low-key lighting. I hear Aaron Staton from Mad Men will be the lead voice for the character, Cole Phelps. 
The game is going to be released next year.

.30 Crap In 3D, Old People For The Kids.

Vice.TV goes to see the Jackass boys doing there thing filming the new and out film. Expect lots of swearing, lots of shit and a whole lot of fun.

Who says old people can't ROCK!!
DJ Ruth Flowers has a thing to say, she loves to see the kids enjoying themselves. The 70 year old grandmother mixes House, Techno and old skool tunes to well, get down with the kids...You go girl!!

Thursday 28 October 2010

.26 People are Strange...

Some people go out there into the big wide world and say, "Yes i want to change the way people think and do". Not this bloke. I really don't know what he was thinking when he made this video, maybe some type of perverted Nazi law enforcement. But with a whale....
This is why the Internets were invented.

And if you can take anymore of this filth, then here's the second part:

.25 People Are Awesome

Some really cool human achievements in this video, pretty scary stuff. Oh yeah and the song is Mecha Love by Hadouken

Monday 25 October 2010

.24 "settle down, she's a good person." WAAAWWWWW...

I couldn't wait to put theses videos up, so first up this week is a other dental odyssey. Brother and sister get back from the surgery and are both intoxicated, very funny clip.

Tim Knoll is a top freestyler on the BMX, like nothing else...

You have to read this description first in order to get the last video.
I have known my fiance Tracey Wade for over 14 years and wanted to propose to her in a very unique way. Tracey thought we were just going to the movies on a Sunday afternoon. Little did she know, I had rented the entire theater and filled it with 160 of our friends and family. I made it seem as though we were showing up a little late to the movie and went in to the theater after the lights had gone down and the movie trailers were already playing. This was done to keep her from recognizing anyone in the theater. What I had done was make an entire movie trailer that had actors portraying both Tracey and I at different times in our lives, both present day and in the future. After a few trailers played including one for Lord of the Rings the one I had made started. Tracey thought it was just another trailer for a movie soon to be released. Tracey was just perplexed as to how many different things had similarities to our relationship, she kept nudging me throughout the trailer. Tracey had no idea this was a marriage proposal until the last three seconds of the trailer.

Nine months earlier in September of 2006 I started by hiring a professional production team, securing two and a half million dollars (FOR FREE) worth of film equipment (THANK YOU PANAVISION, THEY DONATED THE EQUIPMENT FOR THE SHOOT), and writing a script that would show what would go through someones mind (Tracey's) if they were about to die. It is said "moments before you die your life flashes right before your eyes". JUST A NOTE: Ever since Tracey was a young girl, she has had a reoccurring dream that she was going to die in a plane crash. Actors were cast to portray both Tracey and I at different times in our lives (twenty years in the future as well as present day).

The explanations of the flashbacks are as follows:

HORSE JUMPING - Tracey has been an avid equestrian her entire life, both competing and teaching professionally. The location that we filmed, was the exact location Tracey won in, back in 2006.

DODGER STADIUM - Tracey and I have season tickets to the Dodgers. We both grew up in L.A. and are big baseball fans.

SKYDIVING - On Tracey's fathers 70th birthday we both went skydiving for the first time. The plane in the trailer is the same plane we jumped out of in real life. The actress portraying Tracey even wore the same jumpsuit.

KITE FLYING - This was filmed in the exact location Tracey and I have flown a kite before.

FISHING - When Tracey and I fell in love; we were down in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. One of our greatest memories in Mexico was chartering a boat and going marlin fishing. In the movie trailer both actors were wearing the exact same clothes, both Tracey and I were wearing when we went fishing. As a side note this scene was actually shot on location down in Cabo San Lucas.

RUNNING ON THE BEACH - Tracey and I had one of our best days ever on this exact beach near San Diego.

SAILING - I own a sailboat. Both Tracey and I love sailing. The exterior shot was not my boat, but the closes up shots were actually filmed on my sailboat.

AERIAL SHOT OF BEACH AND HOTEL - This was the actual place we stayed in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It is our very favorite place. Tracey always thought I might one day ask her to marry her there.

PROPOSAL LOCATION - Same hotel as mentioned above. This one area at the hotel was our very favorite spot.


Saturday 23 October 2010

.23 A round up of the week..

So a round of the best things this week. A Dumb and Dumber trailer made to look Inception Style: 

Jimmy McMillan of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party is debating to get New York governor position.
You said it, im going to marry a shoe,

And some student studying computer science in (i think America) handed in his literature paper after spending five hours formatting his paper to spell out the acrostic Rick-roll, click on the image below to enlarge it:

The guy said if his teacher finds out she's been Rick-Rolled then he's going to do his main project on it.

.22 Ahhh well that really explains it...

Well my head seems a little bigger this morning then yesterday, so i thought we could have some mediation.

Ahhhh the old Swing Hat, i remember those days.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

.21 Geeks!!!!!!!!!

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has discovered an extrasolar planet, for the first time using direct visible-light imaging. The strange world is far-flung from its parent star, is surrounded by a colossal belt of gas and dust, and may even have rings more impressive than Saturn's.

.20 Eye Candy

I did post this on A bit chish and fips* but i thought it was so good i'll post it here. There are some time lapse, but this one is by far the best i have seen. 
"I'm currently Beta testing an all-in-one motion control dolly system:The Stage Zero Time lapse Dolly Kit from and getting even better results." 
- Mike Flores.

Time lapse Montage from Mike Flores on Vimeo.

The music is by Hans Zimmer, "Dream is Collapsing" from the Inception soundtrack.

.19 Whats the worst that could happen?

Believe what you will, the end is nigh.
Well when 2012 comes or someone turns off the tap or when this lot come.
Now you might of already read or heard out this letter, written by Harold Lewis, an Emeritus Professor of Physics at the university of California, to a friend of his, Curtis G. Callan Jr, Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society. 
Now Harold Lewis is handing in his resignation to the APS in which he has been a member for sixty seven years because:
"It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudo scientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist."
So stick that in you pipe and smoke it!!
If you interested, Read the whole letter here.

Monday 18 October 2010

.18 D.I.Y. for beginners!

Step to step guide on how to build a Airbus A380 in 7 minutes. 
I found adding you own music works better, i'll make a suggestion Unkle, Loney Souls works really well in sync.

Saturday 16 October 2010

.17 Banksy's Simpsons take..

While we are on the subject of modern art i thought it would be cool to show Banksy try at the Simpson's into, a little controversial. But i think he made his point, 20th Century Fox are greedy, slave driver pigs. Now im going to run away before the comments catch me up

.16 Face to face with the man himself...

For the first time ever, Banksy reveals himself to the public and gives us an exciting glimpse into his day to day life.

.15 Almost as good as Garbage Day!

Ridicules fighting scene from the film "the worst kung fu fight ever put on film". The directors name is even more ridicules: Godfrey Ho!

Friday 15 October 2010

.14 Declaration Of War Against Justin Bieber Haters...

This one is funny, because its real and the people that are embarking on a war clearly don't have anything else better to do.
It all started on the 8th October this year, a 14 year old twit thought he could bring down "the haters" who troll Justin Bieber and his fans. And inevitably the Internet found him and answered his calls.

But that's not the end of it, some chap called LifeInATent had a rant at him saying "all Justin Bieber fans can shut the fuck up" and proceeded to make this video in response to EricDouglace...

And then guess what!!!! 
Eric "complete idiot" Douglace responded in only what can be described as one of the worst and embarrassing things ever. Please kid give it up!

So watch out kids his guy is going to sue under the Internet safety act. Round 2 from LifeInATent:

And then this bell end turns up, a friend of Eric "complete idiot" Douglace, look at him. He's like 10 years old and he say he's a "im also an expert hacker and i do have tonnes of connections". He's got Interpol on your back people, so watch out......See how long to can watch this without raging!!

So i believe that's it for now, hopefully. But no........Guess what, the notorious fourm 4Chan has seen the battle and has done some very bad things, which not going to say there. Watch this space.....

Monday 11 October 2010

.13 For Andrew and America

Its National Coming Out Day in America so to celebrate I'm going to post a message to all those haters out there......

Good luck to all the people coming out in America and the rest of the world, it is possibly the hardest thing anyone can ever do, but also the bravest. So don't let anyone ever get you down, your the best and we are all proud of you!

Saturday 9 October 2010

.12 Absolutely Unstoppable

Whats really great about the Internet is being able to connect to the rest of the world and find that amazing band or short film.
The things that sets you back and makes you think "wow",
i'm so glad i found that and i can't wait to tell my friends.
The Irrepressibles are one such thing like that. Their music is to die for, its just so beautiful, bewitching and enchanting; the album you can't put down.

Now a lot of people are saying that this video is about STDs and sexual health. The makers don't reveal anything about the contents, but i believe its just about life and how you change it. Make you own mind up!

Cuts out towards the end but worth it.
Their touring around Europe and the UK, in Modena, Italy tonight. Playing at The Teatro Comunale Modena (opera house). Then Rome for two nights, Antwerp, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and lastly in Brighton on the 14th November.
Find them there or their MySpace. 
Their also on Spotify.

Friday 8 October 2010

.11 Just one more

I know i said i was leaving, but just one more thing chaps, how about some irresponsible commercial plugging. Thought you might!

52-Camera rig set up in a pool, BAM!

.10 Brother

New band from Slough, mmmmm nice. There's a pretty good review on NME and im about to go out, so sorry guys i'll leave it to them.......NME
But watch this video...

BROTHER - An introduction... from BROTHER on Vimeo.

You can find Brother here.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

.09 To answer your question, well......

So to sum up Jeffrey Lewis someone once said "anti-folk" but that's not what he thinks about his style, i'll yet the man describe it himself:- "I think it's a cool title. The fact that no one knows what it means, including me, makes it kind of mysterious and more interesting than saying that you’re a singer/songwriter or that you play indie rock."
I hope that clears it up for you.
Anyway my mate Edd's take on "Jeffrey Lewis - If Life Exists"

.08 Seamans

New South Park episodes coming out in the next few days.  So just to wet your whistle, i give you "Poor and Stupid" episode 1408. 

Well you didnt think i was going to put the whole clip on did you.....

.07 No animals were harmed in the making of this film

If your thinking of cutting your carbon footprint by walking to work or recycling your ink cartridges then i strongly recommended it. And if you don't then you could end up like these guys.....

This short was scripted by Richard Curtis directed by Franny Armstrong and starred Gillian Anderson, Peter Crouch, Ledley King and David Ginola. Also the music is from Radiohead.
Help the cause here.

Sunday 3 October 2010

.06 Where The Wild Things Are.....

Troll Hunter the mockumentary by another Norwegian Andre Ovredal, looks great and i think is going to be a pretty big Internet sensation.The trailer only came out yesterday so catch it here first.


From 0.00 to 1.27 its like marrrrrr, then from 1.28 onwards its like "holy-shit-how-is-that-humanely-possible-i-want-to-fly-like-a-bird!!!!!!" Those Norwegians must have balls made of titanium.

If you like the song you can find it here.

.04 Beat-boxing has reached a new league......

Pure genius, is the lasting impression going out about this guy, an Australian called Dub FX. He uses only his voice, Roland Loop and Effects Pedals to create his sound, apart from this video. But i think the sax is immense this time round.
"His midichlorian count must be off the charts" - YouTube bloke, I do believe your right.......Might speak to the guys at Meadowlands Festival......

Find him at Dub FX or his MySpace.

Friday 1 October 2010

.03 Thank God Its Friday!!

To start your weekend off with a blast, check out these underrated artists first:
Junkie XL - Zerotonine.....

 And this gem, Aim - Let The Funk Ride.....

And remember kids........

A huge shout-out to our mate Edd who is celebrating his 23nd today, Happy Birthday old man Edd!!!!
Have a good night peeps.

.02 Tame Impala not John Lennon, Christ.

This band is amazing. Its like listening to your mind creep futher and futher into a Lavalamp, and you cant stop listening. John Lennon or not you should check them out, from OZ i believe. When Australia make music, they make some of the best. Just look at bands like P'nau and Empire Of The Sun (ok there connected, but) they have only come out in the last 10 years. Fuck....ok 10 years is somewhat of a long time. Just check out Tame Impala.

Tame Impala 'Lucidity' from The Gingerbread Man on Vimeo.

.01 New blog......

I have made this blog cos i was getting to wraped up in putting anything i wanted on by other blog "A Bit Chish and Fips*", so without further ado i present "Re-Live The Future"
In this blog you will find alot of up and coming new (well mostly crap) on the internet, videos, photos and net phenomenons. This is my first shout-out so i shall post!!!!!

If anyone has seen that stupid film Columbia Pictures has made called "The Social Network" about.....well you get the idea. At first glance i thought it was made by the mightly College Humor guys and girls but no! This is REAL, a joke really.

Looks shit, dont you think. Its like "who gives a fuck about a film about people makeing a website for us" lame. Anyway the internet inevitable spoke back and created two parodys....
One on YouTube....

And the other about twitter....

And holy moly when i thought it was all over NO, Access Denied!! I found another spin-off, lucky you....

Anyway if my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight you're going to see some serious shit.