Friday 26 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

.33 Casteller!

In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage. 

.32 £5,169 Per Second.

That's right folks £5,169 per second or

  • £310,212 per minute
  • £18,607,306 per hour
  • £446,575,342 per day 
  • or £77,000 for each and everyone of us.
That's how much the debt is rising in the UK, its Britain's trillion pound problem. Here's a clock for you to depressingly watch, and remember its a debt so large that its going to imprison you grandchildren.

Wake up to problems that we have to face in the next ten years (and longer!) by learning and educating yourself and others, because knowledge is power and together we can move mountains:
Theres also a great documentry on channel 4 OD called clearly, Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story that can be found here and a fella called Michael Milken talks about activism on TED here.

Thursday 11 November 2010

.31 Mad Men.

New game from the mightily RockStar and Team Bondi. This ones called L.A. Noire and is set in "a perfectly re-created Los Angeles" in the 1940's. Expect to see crime, sex and moral ambiguity all shot in black and white with harsh, low-key lighting. I hear Aaron Staton from Mad Men will be the lead voice for the character, Cole Phelps. 
The game is going to be released next year.

.30 Crap In 3D, Old People For The Kids.

Vice.TV goes to see the Jackass boys doing there thing filming the new and out film. Expect lots of swearing, lots of shit and a whole lot of fun.

Who says old people can't ROCK!!
DJ Ruth Flowers has a thing to say, she loves to see the kids enjoying themselves. The 70 year old grandmother mixes House, Techno and old skool tunes to well, get down with the kids...You go girl!!